Nomination Criteria

Combat Control Association Hall of Fame Nomination Criteria

The Combat Control Association (CCA) Board of Directors (BoD) will administer the CCA Hall of Fame (HoF) with the following guidelines.  The CCA President, with the approval of the BoD, appoints a CCA HoF Committee of a minimum of five and no more than seven members, of which no fewer than two members will be active duty.  All HoF committee members will be Life Members of the CCA.

The CCA will publish requests for HoF nominations in the April CCA Newsletter and post on the CCA website.  The CCA will accept nominations at any time, but no later than 31 July of the year to be considered.  Nominations received after the deadline will be held for following year’s selection process.  Nominations that fall short of the HoF Committees selection criteria will be returned to the nominator with an appropriate letter of explanation. The committee will review nominations and finalize their selections in sufficient time to present their recommendations to the CCA BoD at the August meeting.  Once approved by the CCA BoD , the CCA President will then send a letter to the selectees as soon as possible to provide sufficient time for the selectees to plan their attendance at the annual reunion where the final presentation will be made.  A courtesy copy of the selection letter will be sent to the person who submitted the nomination.


  1.  All nominees must be eligible for membership in the CCA.
  2. Nominees must have served no less than four (4) years as a combat controller.
  3. No nominee shall be selected based upon a singular circumstance of bravery or heroics. Exception:  This restriction does not apply to Medal of Honor awardees.
  4. Nominees must have served honorably and met the demands of selfless service, excellence, and remarkable accomplishments throughout their military tenure.
  5. The justification for the nominee shall clearly reflect significant contributions to the betterment of CCT/ST forces.
  6. To be eligible for selection to the HoF, a person must have been separated from military service for at least three (3) years at the time of nomination.


  1.  Anyone may nominate any CCT/ST member who meets the criteria for selection to the HoF.
  2. Self-initiated nominations will not be accepted.
  3. Nomination packages will include:
    1.  Verifiable and detailed information describing military operational and training accomplishments and significant leadership/followership duty performance throughout CCT/ST assignments and deployments, to include a complete justification for selection.  Each nomination package will include a cover letter (Maximum One Page), and a biography of career highlights describing achievements (Maximum Five Pages) including support material. Nomination package must be submitted in single space, Times New Roman 12, and with one inch margins.  The CCA BoD will preview all packages to insure they have met timeliness and published criteria before being passed on to the committee for evaluation.
    2. A copy of the of the nominee’s DD 214 or equivalent documentation to verify service, awards, decorations, POW status and or other significant military, government or fraternal achievements.  It is incumbent on the nominator to verify the accuracy and credibility of the information to the HoF Committee.
    3. A detailed and comprehensive citation of no more than 250 words for presentation at the induction ceremony.
    4. Photo of the nominee if available.
    5. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of two professional references.
    6. Nominations packages must be signed by the originator and will include contact information for both the nominator and the nominee.
    7. Nomination packages will be sent to the CCA HOF Committee, P.O. Box  432  , Mary Esther, FL 32566-0432 to arrive no later than 31 July of each year.


  1.  The HoF Committee will process and validate the nomination packages and return to the originator those that do not meet both the eligibility criteria and the nomination procedures and requirements criteria.  The Chairman of the HoF Committee will provide a letter of explanation to the originator.
  2. The HoF Committee will only recommend those individuals who meet the basic criteria and have made significant individual and unique contributions to Air Force CCT/ST operations.  In order to be considered for selection,  an  individual package must score higher than 40 points based on average scoring criteria from all board members.
  3. The Hof Committee Chairman or his designated committee representative will present the list of recommended nominees to the CCA BoD for their approval.
  4. The HoF Committee will not recommend more than five nominations for selection to the HoF in any given year.

 INDUCTION Procedures

  1. The CCA BoD will provide final approval authority of the selectees.
  2. The selectees will be inducted into the HoF at the annual reunion, normally at the banquet.
  3. A certificate and special plaque will be presented during the induction ceremony.
  4. A special recognition citation will be mounted on the Hall of Fame Wall at the Combat Control School Heritage Hall.